As you go through the process to “feel all the feels,” you will experience various (e)motions that are there to serve you. Thus allowing you a deeper sense of compassion for yourself and develop deeper compassion for others.
I ask you now, what changes can you make to go deeper into compassion within yourself, at your home, and/or your community?
Allowing yourself to “Feel ALL the Feels” can be scary and even frightening. Unwanted, uncomfortable, or “bad” feelings (also known as "triggers") may surface and you may want to distract yourself from them. These distractions could include things such as: alcohol, smoking of any kind, medication, food, sex, caffeine, working out, nonstop cleaning, excessive meditation, etc. These distractions could be anything that takes you away from what you are actually feeling.
So what can you do?
Here are some ways in dealing with triggers, especially if someone is talking about a hot topic in which (e)motions can run wild:
1. Create a safe space for yourself to feel (make sure you will not hurt yourself or anyone else, otherwise seek medical help).
2. What is triggering you? (Person, place, thing, event, or a certain thought?)
3. Identify the (e)motion. Ask yourself, "What (e)motion am I feeling?" (Anger, resentment, powerlessness, despair, lonely, not feeling in control, guilt, not feeling safe or supported, depressed, anxiety, easily distracted, etc.)
4. Ask yourself, "Is what I think and feel TRUE?"
5. Ask yourself, "What am I learning from this feeling, this (e)motion, this situation? Or what can this feeling teach me?"
6. Honor yourself in whatever feeling comes up. Journal and see if there is a pattern that presents itself.
7. Continue this process as needed.
Do you desire to become fearlessly confident and start pursuing your dreams?
But you feel stuck and struggle with analysis paralysis, right?
I too, felt like I wasn't enough and would constantly compare myself to others.
Because having a positive mindset is only 1 key component to living a fearless life.
Well, now I have found the key to being fearlessly confident and it encapsulates EVERYTHING. There is no stone unturned.
Click here for more details on FCM, Fearlessly Confident Masterclass.
~Enjoy The Moment~
I am not a mental or healthcare professional. This blog cannot replace any medication or professional treatment. If you have any mental health conditions please consult your health-care provider.